Our collection of heroes consist of the following:
Ander Goodbarrel: The Halfling Thief, a man with a past that might just not be as shady as he is.
Herald Threadbare: A Human Fighter whose future shines as bright as his noble heritage
Ironvox Rockseeker: Dwarven Cleric, man of stalwart frame and deep contemplation
Solimon Jorlock: The Elven Wizard, he may spend more time with books then people, but he is trying.
Brought together by a Dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker the team is greeted by his guard Sildar Hallwinter
"Welcome adventures, I am glad that you could all make it to this meeting. I assure you that this task that my patron has to ask of you is both simple and lucrative".
Gundren motions for the adventures to sit down at the table with him as Sildar takes a position at his back. He explains the task,
"Me and my two brothers have a job for you. It be both simple and pays a fine coin as well. As we be Dwarves we be taken with the art of mining and have something big that we be undertaking. You will escort a wagon of mining supplies to the wee town of Phandalin."
The adventurers seem to wait for more, Gundren continues,
"And that be it! There have been a wee few raids on some of the more unsavory portions of the trail, but look at ye all, there be nary a bandit that would dear to attack the likes of you."
The adventurers state their acceptance of the job and are promised the reward of 10 gold pieces each when they deliver the mining supplies to Barthen's Provisions in Phandalin.
Our heroes set off down the southern road from Neverwinter. About a day an a half later they make the Eastbound turn onto the Triboar Trail in to the interior of the land. Another day and a half later they find themselves on a portion of the trail that is now bordered by thicker trees that are now closer to the road. Ander is sleeping in the back of the wagon as Harold and Ironvox drive and Solimon has his nose buried in a book walking along the side of the wagon. Suddenly Ironvox spots something in the distance and has Harold stop the cart, about 50 feet in the distance where the trail becomes less wide are two horses that have been peppered with arrows and now lay dead.
Ironvox, mighty disciple of his god, offers to go ahead on foot and have a look at the obstacle blocking their path.
Harold stays seated in the wagon, not minding that there is someone else to do this bit of paltry work for him.
Solimon continues to walk and finds himself in the woods.
Ander sleeps peacefully in the cart, not knowing what might occur.
Ironvox approaches the horses and discovers that these are indeed the same beasts that his cousin Gundren and friend Sildar left on earlier. Despite the black fletched arrows that pierce the horse, there doesn't look to be any significant blood to denote that the riders were killed here. The saddlebags are picked through and a large empty map case is near by. As Ironvox picks up the case two goblins rush from either side of the road to attack him, scimitars drawn the rush in for the first attack! At the same moment an arrow flies from each side of the road narrowly missing Harold on the cart.
Ironvox rallys back landing a devastating blow to one of the goblins, almost buckling his knees under the weight of his mighty war hammer and the might of his god. Harold can not stand to have such uncouth violence be perpetrated by these vile creatures and launches a javelin towards one of the goblins engaged with Ironvox, the missile flies harmlessly overhead and lands in the brush. Knowing that this is not enough, he rushes into the fray with his two-handed ax drawn. Meanwhile Solimon has uttered the arcane words and thrusts his hand forward launching a ray of frost towards the goblins, it misses and flies into the woods on the far side. From all of the commotion Ander is woken and jumps down from the wagon and heads into the opposite side of the woods from Solimon, launching an arrow up and over the two goblins engaged with Ironvox and Harold, "Let them think that I just missed" he remarks and fades into the woods.
The goblins in the woods launch their arrows again and score hits on both Harold and Ironvox. Harold exclaims "What is all this then? Wont you take care of those beasts in the woods while we do our job here?" The goblins locked in melee combat with them take affront to this loud exclamation and one of them scores a devastating blow to Harold. Ironvox sensing the pain of his companion throws a hand to the sky and intones a healing word, Harold's injuries heal right before the goblins' eyes and they seem a little taken aback at the power of the cleric. Now within rage to use his great ax, Harold rears back and swings with all of his might, this may have been too much as the swing goes above the goblin, completely missing him. From the woods Solomn throws his hands wide and with a few arcane words launches some magic missiles, hitting all of the goblins. The goblins have felt this sting but a sting is all it seems to be to them as they all still stand grinning with the thought of the dinner that they will surely make of these puny adventurers. Ander still dancing from tree to tree spots the goblin that has been pestering his fellows with arrows, he silently steps up behind him and with the grace of a musician playing his finest instrument and the mercy that one would show to a bug, slits the goblin's throat, decapitating him in the process. "That's one," is all he says as he lays the goblin down for the sleep of eternity.
Bloody but not beat, the goblins rush forward again. The show of healing upon Harold has angered the goblins and they concentrate their attacks on him, slicing him from left and right while an arrow digs itself into his back. "Is this it for me? Will I never get to bring the touch of civility to this backwater town?" Harold asks. Ironvox can take no more of the goblins and throws his war hammer forward with such might, that it misses. Harold seeing the goblins distracted by this attack swings forward with his great ax and connects with the goblin previously hit by Ironvox, the goblin falls and it suddenly looks brighter for our heroes. Harold catches a grin in Ironvox's eyes and stands straight feeling a renewed sense of vigor. Solimon take aim at the goblin sharing his side of the woods and once again throws forward a ray of frost, freezing the tree next to him. Seeing the commotion in the other set of woods, Ander looses an arrow from his bow, striking the goblin.
Scared of what may come, the goblin in the woods runs out of the woods and towards the wagon fleeing in terror. The other goblin continues to fight Harold and Ironvox delivering a mighty blow to Ironvox. Ironvox manages to land a glancing blow to the goblin and this leads to Harold finishing the job with a mighty ax blow. Solimon heads after the fleeing goblin and slows him with a successfully landed ray of frost. Ander shoots at the goblin again an narrowly misses his fleeing form. As the goblin continues to flee Harold makes a diving tackle and succeeds in holding him and then pining him to the ground as the rest of the group convenes on their location.
To be continued in Part 2 LMP - Adventure the First (or why would you trust a goblin?)
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